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3D Medical Imaging Pre-training and Downstream Task Validation

Self-supervision is employed to learn meaningful representations from unlabeled medical imaging data. By pre-training the model on this vast source of information, we equip it with a strong foundation of understanding the underlying data structure. This leads to significantly improved performance and faster convergence when fine-tuning on downstream tasks like classification and segmentation, compared to training from scratch.

This example demonstrates how to pre-train a model on 3D MRI medical imaging using self-supervised learning techniques, specifically DINO, on large datasets. The pre-trained model can then be fine-tuned for downstream tasks such as classification and segmentation. The fine-tuning process is adaptable to various medical imaging tasks, even when working with small datasets. We use the NIH Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI) dataset for this example which can be downloaded from

Data Preparation

For each training type (self-supervised, classification, segmentation), prepare a CSV file with the following structure:

Self-Supervised and Classification CSV

PatientID path fold
ID1 /path/to/dicom/folder1 0
ID2 /path/to/dicom/folder2 1

For classification, you can add multiple categorical columns to predict and add them as “cls_targets” in the classification_config.yaml. For example, you can classify the disease status (Progression, Non-exposed control group) using the V00COHORT label in the OAI dataset.

Segmentation CSV

PatientID img_path seg_path fold
ID1 /path/to/image1.nii.gz /path/to/segmentation1.nii.gz train
ID2 /path/to/image2.nii.gz /path/to/segmentation2.nii.gz val

For example, you can segment the knee parts using the OAI iMorphics Segmentation. The “fold” column can be used for cross-validation and can contain any value. The values should be added to the “train/val/test_folds” in the config.yaml files.


Each training type has its own config.yaml file. Make sure to set the following parameters:

To load pretrained weights or start from certain checkpoint you need to set only one of the following:

Pretrained weights can be downloaded from SuPreM GitHub repository.


The training process involves three main steps:

  1. Self-supervised pre-training with DINO
  2. Fine-tuning for classification
  3. Fine-tuning for segmentation

1. Self-Supervised Pre-training

Run DINO pre-training:

python fuse_examples/imaging/oai_example/self_supervised/

2. Classification Fine-tuning

Set dino_weights in classification_config.yaml to the path of the best DINO checkpoint. Run classification training:

python fuse_examples/imaging/oai_example/downstream/

3. Segmentation Fine-tuning

Set dino_weights in segmentation_config.yaml to the same DINO checkpoint path. Run segmentation training:

python fuse_examples/imaging/oai_example/downstream/

This process leverages transfer learning, using DINO pre-trained weights to improve performance on downstream tasks.

Monitoring Results

You can track the progress of your training/testing using one of the following methods:

  1. TensorBoard: To view losses and metrics, run:
    tensorboard --logdir=<path_to_experiments_directory>
  2. ClearML: If ClearML is installed and enabled in your config file (clearml : True), you can use it to monitor your results.

    Choose the method that best suits your workflow and preferences.