
Delta significantly associates patients without a known mechanism of resistance to those with one to suggest alterative treatment options based on the known MoR through an analysis of the changes in alterations between timepoints.


The entire ReVeaL pipeline can be executed by:

calculate_patient_delta_predefined(df, pair_df)

Function to calculate the Delta per predefined pair of samples

calculate_patient_delta_sliding_window_driver(df, ...)

Function to calculate Deltas over a matrix of patients

calculate_patient_delta_sliding_window(df, ...)

Function to calculate Delta and produce a matrix of sample pairs and the delta values for a given patient given a window size


Please cite the following article if you use Delta:

Parikh, A.R., Leshchiner, I., Elagina, L. et al. Liquid versus tissue biopsy for detecting acquired resistance and tumor heterogeneity in gastrointestinal cancers. Nat Med 25, 1415–1421 (2019).