
ReVeaL, Rare Variant Learning, is a stochastic regularization-based learning algorithm.


ReVeaL partitions the genome into non-overlapping, possibly non-contiguous, windows (w) and then aggregates samples into possibly overlapping subsets, using subsampling with replacement (stochastic), giving units called shingles that are utilized by a statistical learning algorithm. Each shingle captures a distribution of the mutational load (the number of mutations in the window w of a given sample), and the first four moments are used as an approximation of the distribution.


The entire ReVeaL pipeline can be executed by:

compute(sample_info, label_info, ...[, ...])

This function compute the mutational load and shingles, storing them in a folder as csv file

Alternative, one can using the following API:


Collection of common pre-processing functionalities.

compute_mutational_load(sample_data, ...[, ...])

Function to compute the mutational load files

train_test_split(label_info, ...[, ...])

Split data into training and test set.

permute_labels(label_info[, seed])

Permute the sample labels.

Shingle Computation

compute_shingle(train_samples, test_samples, ...)

This function compute the shingles, generating the train and test sample

An example of usage can be found in this tutorial


Please cite the following article if you use ReVeaL:

Parida L, Haferlach C, Rhrissorrakrai K, Utro F, Levovitz C, Kern W, et al. (2019) Dark-matter matters: Discriminating subtle blood cancers using the darkest DNA. PLoS Comput Biol 15(8): e1007332.